What is Number Screening?

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What is Number Screening?

What is Number Screening?

Number screening is the process of verifying and validating phone numbers to ensure their accuracy and validity. This involves checking the number format, carrier information, and whether the number is active or inactive.

Why Number Screening is Important

Number screening is crucial for maintaining accurate contact data, which is essential for effective communication and business operations. Accurate phone numbers ensure that your marketing messages reach the right audience and that customer support can efficiently handle inquiries.

Key Features of Number Screening

Format Verification

Number screening involves verifying that phone numbers follow the correct format based on international or national standards. This helps in identifying improperly formatted numbers that might lead to failed communication attempts.

Carrier Identification

Identifying the carrier of a phone number provides valuable information for segmenting and targeting your audience. Carrier information can also help in determining the cost of communication and optimizing your messaging strategy.

Active Status Check

Screening phone numbers for their active status ensures that your contact data only includes numbers that are currently in use. This reduces the likelihood of sending messages to inactive or disconnected numbers, improving the efficiency of your marketing campaigns.

Benefits of Number Screening

  • Enhanced Data Quality: Maintain accurate and up-to-date contact information.
  • Cost Efficiency: Avoid unnecessary costs associated with invalid or inactive numbers.
  • Improved Communication: Ensure that your messages reach the intended recipients.
  • Fraud Prevention: Detect and prevent fraudulent activities by verifying phone numbers.

Detailed Process of Number Screening

  1. Data Collection: Gather phone numbers from various sources such as forms, databases, and customer interactions.
  2. Format Standardization: Convert all numbers into a standardized format to ensure consistency.
  3. Carrier Lookup: Identify the carrier for each number, which can provide insights into the geographic location and type of service (e.g., mobile, landline).
  4. Status Verification: Check whether the number is active or inactive, helping to filter out invalid contacts.
  5. Real-Time Verification: Implement real-time checks during data entry to immediately validate new numbers.

Use Cases for Number Screening

Marketing Campaigns

Number screening ensures that your marketing messages are sent to valid and active numbers, increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns. By targeting only valid numbers, you can improve engagement rates and reduce marketing costs.

Customer Support

Accurate phone numbers are essential for efficient customer support. Number screening helps maintain a reliable database of customer contacts, ensuring that your support team can quickly reach out to customers when needed.

Fraud Prevention

By verifying phone numbers, businesses can detect and prevent fraudulent activities. Number screening helps identify suspicious numbers and ensures that your customer data is secure and trustworthy.

About HiSeven

HiSeven is a leading provider of number screening and data management solutions designed to enhance data quality and operational efficiency. With features like real-time verification, carrier information, and bulk screening, HiSeven helps businesses maintain accurate and reliable contact data.

About WhatsData

WhatsData is an innovative number screening and data enrichment tool designed to help businesses maintain clean and accurate contact data. With advanced screening capabilities and integration options, WhatsData ensures that your marketing and customer service efforts are based on reliable and valid information.


Number screening is a vital process for maintaining accurate contact data, improving communication, and preventing fraud. By understanding and implementing number screening, businesses can enhance their data quality and operational efficiency.

For more information on HiSeven and its number screening capabilities, visit HiSeven and WhatsData.

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