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Telegram’s Count Contacts Feature: Expanding Social Circles and Enhancing User Experience

With the rapid advancement of mobile communication technology, instant messaging apps have become an integral part of people’s daily lives. Among the many messaging apps available, Telegram stands out due to its robust privacy protection, flexible message delivery options, and feature-rich bot API. In its continuous updates and iterations, the Telegram team constantly introduces new features and improves user experience. This article focuses on Telegram’s “Count Contacts” feature, exploring its impact on expanding social circles and enhancing the overall user experience.

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Telegram Marketing URLs: Embracing a New Era of Brand Promotion

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, social media platforms have become indispensable tools for businesses and individuals to promote products, services, and brands. Telegram, a popular instant messaging application, has emerged as a powerful platform for marketing and brand promotion. Within Telegram marketing strategies, URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) play a pivotal role, injecting new vitality into promotional efforts. This article delves into the art of leveraging Telegram marketing URLs to embark on a new era of brand promotion.

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Easy Ways to Shorten Links in the Telegram Application

Telegram has many bots that its users can use for various purposes, from learning basic Arabic, making photos move, to removing photo backgrounds.
In addition to the bots already mentioned, you can also use other bots, such as bots to shorten long links. It is important to know the use of link shortening bots, because you do not need to access URL shortening sites when you want to shorten links.
So if you want to shorten the link, you only need the Telegram application. As for the link shortening process, it can also be completed quickly, please refer to the full tutorial below until it’s finished.

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Easy Ways to Shorten Links in the Telegram Application

Telegram has many bots that its users can use for various purposes, from learning basic Arabic, making photos move, to removing photo backgrounds.In addition to the bots already mentioned, you can also use other bots, such as bots to shorten long links. It is important to know the use of link shortening bots, because you do not need to access URL shortening sites when you want to shorten links.

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How to quickly reply to Telegram messages?

How to reply to messages on Telegram faster. Among all the functions you can perform on the Telegram Messaging platform, it is possible to quickly reply to messages sent to us. It’s worth remembering that this feature already exists in WhatsApp, its main competitor. With shortcuts, you can reference a message in a reply with a simple gesture. This feature is ideal for large groups and will help you ensure that your answers are not out of context.

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How to use multiple accounts in Telegram on your smartphone?

One of the reasons why all of us prefer Telegram over WhatsApp is that WhatsApp is a single device app whereas Telegram can be used from as many devices as you want – be it a smartphone, a tablet, or a computer. Besides, you cannot use multiple accounts of WhatsApp on a single device. At least WhatsApp’s official app doesn’t have any such feature. But Telegram, on the other hand, does allow multiple accounts on a single smartphone.

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How to Use Multiple Accounts on Telegram At Once?

There are plenty of ways through which you can accomplish this task. These methods include the use of different Telegram apps, creating a parallel app in smartphones, making a duplicate app on a desktop, using a web app, and more. So let’s see how multiple Telegram accounts can be activated so you don’t need to mishmash all your professional contacts with your personal ones.

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How to translate Telegram messages in your language?

Earlier in January, the messaging app Telegram rolled out a new update that added an in-app translation feature to the platform. After the update, users will be able to read any message in either groups or chat in their preferred language. This Telegram feature is available for both Android and iOS. Telegram translate feature was aimed to increase the usability and accessibility of the app for users.

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